Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Religious minorities in Pakistan should not celebrate their holidays publicly during dangerous times.

Though the idea of restricting the public social activities of religious minorities in Pakistan (including Shias) might sound unjust at the beginning, it is in their best interests and Pakistan's best interests.

A few months ago, Shias celebrating their religious holiday of Muharram on the streets made them easy targets for Sunni extremists. Even armed guards cannot really serve as a protection against suicide bombers.

Knowing the rise of religious militants as a result of Pakistan's war against the Taliban, religious minorities would be amongst the first targets.
To celebrate their holidays openly in public places only makes the jobs of the militants far easier. It's like mice crawling into a household of domestic cats.

During political turmoils Pakistan is facing such as now, the government should make public announcements discouraging religious minorities from celebrating in public. They should be told that while it's a great sacrifice being asked for them, no sacrifice is greater than their safety.

It's only during times like these that these steps are necessary. It could save a lot of lives and then a bloody aftermath which often results in massive rioting, looting and destruction of public property which only harms the economy of the country.

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