Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A possible solution to India and Pakistan's disagreement over each other's accussed terrorists

India has long accused a certain number of Pakistanis of being involved in the terrorists attacks in Mumbai back in November 2008.
India has alleged without much evidence of the involvement of certain Pakistani militant groups being behind the attack, while Pakistan denies these allegations- which is only natural due to the lack of proof.

So clearly we have a stand off. India wants Pakistan to handover those accused while Pakistan does not want to extract them, possibly knowing they shall not get a fair trial and be punished for something they most likely had nothing to do with.
India has been trying to rally international support into pressuring Pakistan to handover these accused men.

Pakistan has also occasionally accused certain Indians of being behind bomb blasts and similar attacks within it's territory.
So clearly we have a stand off here.

My solution to this problem is that Pakistan agree to extract the accused individuals behind the attacks to a neutral country where they can be tried under an international terrorism where they could be tried under neutral conditions.
That is of course, if India agrees to do the same.

This way both countries can get what they want and under the control of global entities favorable to neither country.
If the men are proven innocent, India would only have to go against the international community to prove otherwise. The accused Indians behind attacks in Pakistan can also stand a fair trial and an international terrorism court can judge them fairly.

A solution like this could reduce a problem that is only giving a certain number of fanatics in India an excuse to waste their country's resources on constantly fighting battles with Pakistan.
Pakistan on the other hand will also be spending money and resources to defend itself from an Indian military build up.

Any solution to this stand off over a few terrorists is needed so the two countries can move on instead of both being plagued by war.

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