Monday, October 10, 2011

Should Bollywood be banned in Pakistan?

Many socially and politically conscious Pakistanis have expressed disapproval of Bollywood and called for it's complete ban in Pakistan.
Bollywood is known for it's anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam propaganda. From what I've read is that Bollywood was officially banned in Pakistan decades ago and the only availability of it is on Indian channels and in the form of piracy.

Bollywood and it's anti-Pakistan themes are also popular amongst the Muhajir community who have an attachment to India.

Throughout Pakistani video and music stores pirated Bollywood music, movies and dramas can be found. This is what anti-Bollywood Pakistanis need to take into consideration before calling for it's complete ban. All the Bollywood movies, dramas and music that are bought and sold in Pakistan do not give profit to those involved in producing these songs, dramas and movies.

All revenue from the sales go to the people who illegally copy and sell them. We would be taking away a large amount of contribution to our economy.
The piracy of Bollywood movies does not help the enemy, only gives them massive losses.

I know that some can argue it is not much of a loss considering Bollywood keeps on growing both in popularity as well as financially.
But I still do not believe that banning the movie industry will solve the problem.

Most likely the piracy companies will only turn to stealing Pakistani dramas and movies which will hurt our already weak movie industry even more. We would suffer economic losses.

These are all my arguments in favor of allowing Bollywood movies to be sold in Pakistan. But it does not mean that I approve of all the anti-Pakistan propaganda many Bollywood films/shows and possibly songs contain.

Because of this I believe in an alternate idea than to those who call for their complete ban. Since piracy of Bollywood generates large sums of profit for Pakistan but nothing for India, I would be against their complete banning but instead have them censored. Any Bollywood film that contains historic revisionism or political propaganda should be banned while leaving out those movies that have no such content.

I have no problems with banning Indian channels in Pakistan since banning them will give no revenue to those who wish to use them to spread anti-Pakistan propaganda.
I believe the availability of Bollywood in Pakistan should be restricted to pirated CDs and DVDs.

And as already mentioned it should be restricted to movies that don't contain anti-Pakistan propaganda. Even better would be to allow movies/shows containing anti-Pakistan propaganda to be sold but have the propaganda content from them removed.

All this will bring benefits to the Pakistani economy and create losses for anti-Pakistan producers in India.
So to answer the question of weather Bollywood should be banned in Pakistan is no but instead to restrict it's distribution in our country.

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