Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why I support Saudi influence in Pakistan in the case of Iran's nuclear program

I've always viewed external Middle Eastern Islamist influence in Pakistani society to be outright negative. It is partially also responsible for turning Pakistanis into Arab and Iranian stooges. With the Saudis funding the promotion of an Arab supremacist Wahhabi Sunni interpretation of Islam while the Iranians funding a Persian supremacist Shia interpretation of Islam- not just in Pakistan but throughout the Muslim world.

Religiously politicized Shias worldwide hold an attachment to Iran and the Persians. This phenomenon is very strong amongst Pakistani Shias particularly from the Punjab, Pakhtunkhwa and the Muhajir community as per my observation. As I explained in another post, the upper class and upper middle class Muhajirs are not too fond of Pakistan and suffer from an identity crisis.

Since they suffer from an identity crisis and despise the country that doesn't privilege them, the Muhajirs either associate with their religion or their Indian background or sometimes with their imaginary "South Asian" identity.

In the case of those where their religion matters most, the Sunni Muhajirs often live in pretense of Arabs and the Shias in pretense of Persians. Of course this is not to suggest that this mentality is  restricted to Muhajirs since much of the Pakistani population live in such beliefs.

Zardari and other politicized Shias are great examples even despite they are not Muhajirs. It has been widely speculated that should a Western or Israeli led attack on Iran occur, politicized Shias worldwide will launch violent, militant uprisings, not to mention many of Pakistan's pro-Iranian obsessed Shias.

Also speculated is that Zardari is indeed pro-Iranian given his Shia background. If true, this means he will resist any foreign intervention on Iran's nuclear program. And using whatever political power he has as president, he is likely to resist any move by the military and the ISI to counter Iranian influence in Pakistan that usually adds to instability.

I wanted to discuss in another post on the issue of Pakistan's enemies throughout the Muslim world which Pakistanis sadly live in denial of. But because I must discuss the danger of Iran's nuclear program, I want to discuss one of these enemies specifically which happen to be the Iranian state.

The Iranian state ever since it's foundation in the mid 1930s alongside other Middle Eastern countries happen to be amongst the most racist countries on Earth. While it's been known for quite some time about the Shia regime in Tehran having an enmity towards Sunni majority Pakistan, people forget that the pro-monarchist Iranians pose an equal problem.

The pro-monarchist Iranians mainly live outside of Iran and include both exiles and non-exiles alike. Many of the pro-monarchists are racial supremacists who think of themselves as "Aryans" and don't even know the proper meaning of the term. Many of them believe they are related to Germans and wish for a Nazi style state. They believe themselves to be descended from a Nordic super race before they were raped by the Arabs and forcefully converted to Islam.

They have a hatred for their neighbors and live in an imaginary superiority complex towards them as discussed by this great but sadly deceased Iranian writer which I happen to be quite fond of.

Many Iranians today desperately try to ignore/cover up the fact that Pakistan is the main source of Iran's nuclear program. Instead they pretend it to be the work their imaginary genius "Nordic" "Aryan" intelligence. And despite the pro-monarchists being anti-Islamic Republic, they do for the most part still endorse their country becoming a nuclear power to impress the world.

Having a history of conquest and military victories in ancient times, many Persians wish for that glory to return to them in the modern era. And what better way to do so than posses the ultimate weapon mankind has ever made?

Many of these racist Iranians also endorse the Islamic regime going to war against the Jewish state because they wish fit in with white nationalists around the world who for the most part are anti-Jewish.

Iranian "Aryan" wannabe racists frequently hate on Jews in a failed bid to amuse white nationalists and to fit amongst them. They call just about everything they despise a "Jewish conspiracy."

They also claim themselves to be a lost white race who were secular, peaceful, tolerant until the Arabs and Turko-Mongols changed their religion, their life-style and their genetics. They also blame Pakistanis and call them Islamic extremists even despite Pakistan's Sharia laws are far less harsh than mullah ruled Iran's Sharia laws.

The racist Persians also spend large amounts of money getting operations to make noses shorter and their facial phenotypes look more European. Many of their men spend large amounts on permanent body hair removal. Many of their women also die their hair blond.

These Persian racists are an equal problem for the region and world stability as much as the Shia Ayatollahs are. The racism of the pro-monarchist Iranians is similar to that of the Hindutva ideology. They along with the Ayatollahs are the main reasons why Iran simply must not have nuclear weapons.

Once Iran gains nuclear weapons, there is little or no chance of turning back. They are a mostly power hungry country bent on bullying their regional neighbors. And once they posses the bomb it will be difficult to disarm them without triggering a full scale nuclear war.

Also should Iran posses nuclear weapons, the entire region will go into an arms race. There have been many rumors that Saudi Arabia seeks nuclear technology from Pakistan should Iran develop a nuclear weapons arsenal.

The Saudis lack the manpower and technology to produce the bomb so they turn to Pakistan to do it. Not that they had any intention to do so before either since they are dependent on America and an American ally.

But since Iran is pursuing nuclear capability, the Saudis will most likely try to justify their own nuclear project. The Saudis have also resisted the enhancement of Iran's nuclear program. If true, it shows they are on the right path to push for a nuclear free zone.

The reason I am in favor of Saudi influence in the case of Iran's nuclear program is because Iran will definitely try to blackmail the Pakistani military to lay off their nuclear program via radical Shia proxies inside Pakistan which may or may not include Zardari. The only way to counter that will be with Saudi influence.

The Saudis are with America and Israel in the case of Iran's nuclear program and they can be helpful in countering Iranian proxies around the world. And because this is a desperate situation which does require intervention even if it is by tyrants, we face a more dangerous tyrant that is trying to gain nuclear weapons.

I had personally maintained that if Israel and NATO don't take out Iran's nuclear program, Pakistan should do it. Pakistan has little to fear from Iran militarily, but Iran will most likely retaliate by blowing the horn out to it's Shia proxies inside Pakistan to retaliate on their behalf.

To curb them will be difficult and will unfortunately require Saudi support. Saudi influence will also bypass any political Shia proxies inside Pakistan's government and defense. These Shia proxies, whom Zardari is likely one of, will resist intervention against Iran's nuclear program. Once Pakistan is free of Shia extremism, we should also cleanse our country of Wahhabi influence as well.

My main point in this post is given the choice of two evils, we must in this scenario pick the more beneficial evil to fight the more dangerous evil.

The ISI seems to have done a great job of giving the Iranian regime a taste of it's own medicine by supporting Jandullah, assuming Jundullah is indeed supported by the ISI and not on speculation.

But looking at a wider geopolitical scale and time line, the downfall of the Ayatollah regime does not mean victory for the region, for another hostile political party may take power and once again be a burden on the region.

Even if they are dealt with separately, they should still be taken down. Though the scenario of racist Persians taking power in Iran is unlikely, given that most of Iran's Muslim majority population will not leave Islam, the Persian racists may try to influence the policies of any new "democratic" regime that will replace the Ayatollahs.

These racist Persians actually believe they were the center of some advanced civilization and everyone else around them were living in caves.

Pride in one's ethnicity and nation is fine. Even more acceptable is the pride in the achievements of your race or nation. But to feel superior or feel the entitlement to better rights just because of who you are is not acceptable.

This is why I feel these fascist Persian "Aryan" groups and their propaganda should be dealt with. Even though Western governments are dealing with the Iranian Islamic regime, they should also keep out these fascist, racist Iranian groups and their ideologies.

If the FBI can put Jewish and Neo-Nazi militant groups on their watch-list, they should also put these "Aryan" wannabe Persian political groups under check.

Each country including Pakistan should play it's role in dealing with the Iranian nuclear program carefully and put aside it's differences with America and Israel in the case of Iran's nuclear program the way Saudi Arabia is co-operating with them.

If Pakistan doesn't, all hell in the region and the world may break loose.

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